Carreabean Gets Set to bridge the Gap Through Afro-Carreabean Festival in 2023

As the world continues to become “a global village” by the day, certain steps are being taken by some countries far apart to bridge the gap within.

That is the plan in the making by Hon. Edmund Bartlett, the Minister of Tourism Jamaica through Afro-Carrebean Festival aiming at continually increasing interaction and collaboration between the two divides.

Also joining is Nicaragua, a Central American small country known for its biodiversity and natural beauty, a land filled with active volcanoes, cloud forests, jungles and boasting of plenty attractions that leave Tourist/ visitor with unfathomable memory.

Her Minister of Tourism, Hon. Anasha Campbell signified her country’s willing to collaborate with Africa through ATB in order to create the synergy.

Hon. Cuthbert Ncube, ATB Chairman with Dr. Taleb Rifai ATB Patron at the WTM, London

Speaking with Hon. Cuthbert Ncube, the Chairman, African Tourism Board in London, the two leaders agreed on the urgent need for a long over due connect between Nicaragua with Africa back to their original roots and tap in on Africa’s abundance of opportunities on investment and leisure travel vice versa.

Appreciating the tourism sector as a catalyst in driving a well coordinated synergy through the sector’s economic recovery that has been affirmed by the upcoming Afri- Caribbean festival spearheaded by the Hon. Bartlett and fully supported by the ATB to be hosted in Jamaica in the first quarter of 2023 where Africa will be sub-joined with the Caribbean community.

Hon. Campbell has undertaken to work with the ATB as the country indicated they are part of the African origin and feel that their experience and vast expertise in areas of trade and commerce will surely cement and add value torwards destinations in African which was alluded by the ATB Chairman.

Africa is like a bride adore by her groom, in her diversity with so much to offer to the benefit of communities and so much to explore to the Diasporan brothers and sisters beyond the horizons of the boarders.

Continental Africa is super ready, hence the robust process has already been started and being rolled out by the International Tourism & Investment Conference (ITIC) supported by the ATB in channeling and unleashing investment opportunities towards Africa.

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